Cancellation policies from travel providers like hotels and airlines may not have the comprehensive coverage you need. It's tough to make plans if you're not guaranteed to get your money back - What if you eventually need to cancel?

Worldwide Trip Protector

Plan your trip with confidence knowing there are 30 covered reasons for trip cancellation for which you can be reimbursed up to 100% of your insured trip cost. 

Our most comprehensive travel protection product also includes benefits for trip interruption, accident and sickness, baggage, optional rental car and more. Optional coverages include travel inconvenience and Cancel for Any Reason.

Expect More With


Travel Insurance?

Uncertainty shouldn't keep you from planning your trip.

Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR)

If you must cancel your trip for a reason not stated in your Worldwide Trip Protector plan, CFAR reimburses 75% of your trip cost.

Travel secure with this optional benefit knowing that you're covered for unforeseen events beyond your control.

Travel Inconvenience

This optional coverage includes a fixed benefit amount per stated travel inconvenience. Travel inconveniences include, but are not limited to:

  • Rainy Vacation
  • Beach Closure
  • Closed Attractions
  • Flight Delay
  • Missing Work
  • Cruise Disablement

Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption

30 Covered Reasons

Cancelling for a covered reason can reimburse up to 100% of your total trip cost. Interrupting your trip for a covered reason can reimburse up to 150% of your trip cost. Flight related covered reasons include:

  • Inclement weather
  • Natural disaster
  • Airport strike

If you can’t travel or hit a snag after departure, we can help.

This website contains highlights of the plans developed by Travel Insured International, which include travel insurance coverages underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company, Principal Office located in Morristown, New Jersey, under form series T7000 et al, T210 et al and TP-401 et al, and non-insurance Travel Assistance Services provided by C&F Services. The terms of insurance coverages in the plans may vary by jurisdiction and not all insurance coverages are available in all jurisdictions. Insurance coverages in these plans are subject to terms, limitations and exclusions including an exclusion for pre-existing medical conditions. In most states, your travel retailer is not a licensed insurance producer/agent, and is not qualified or authorized to answer technical questions about the terms, benefits, exclusions and conditions of the insurance offered or to evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance coverage. Your travel retailer may be compensated for the purchase of a plan and may provide general information about the plans offered, including a description of the coverage and price. The purchase of travel insurance is not required in order to purchase any other product or service from your travel retailer. CA DOI toll free number is 800-927-4357. The cost of your plan is for the entire plan, which consists of both insurance and non-insurance components. Individuals looking to obtain additional information regarding the features and pricing of each travel plan component, please contact Travel Insured International. P.O. Box 6503, Glastonbury, CT 06033; 855-752-8303; [email protected]; California license #0I13223. While Travel Insured International markets the travel insurance in these plans on behalf of USF, non-insurance components of the plans were added to the plans by Travel Insured and Travel Insured does not receive compensation from USF for providing the non-insurance components of the plans.


Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR)

If you must cancel your trip for a reason not stated in your Worldwide Trip Protector plan, CFAR reimburses 75% of your trip cost.

Travel secure with this optional benefit knowing that you're covered for unforeseen events beyond your control.

Travel Inconvenience

This optional coverage includes a fixed benefit amount per stated travel inconvenience. Travel inconveniences include, but are not limited to:

  • Rainy Vacation
  • Beach Closure
  • Closed Attractions
  • Flight Delay
  • Missing Work
  • Cruise Disablement

Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption

30 Covered Reasons

Cancelling for a covered reason can reimburse up to 100% of your total trip cost. Interrupting your trip for a covered reason can reimburse up to 150% of your trip cost. Flight related covered reasons include:

  • Inclement weather
  • Natural disaster
  • Airport strike



Plan your trip with confidence knowing there are 30 covered reasons for trip cancellation for which you can be reimbursed up to 100% of your insured trip cost. 

Our most comprehensive travel protection product also includes benefits for trip interruption, accident and sickness, baggage, optional rental car and more. Optional coverages include travel inconvenience and Cancel for Any Reason.

Interested in year-round travel protection?

Cover a full year of trips with the 

Annual Multi-Trip Protector